In collaboration with Transition Troy, Troy Alley Action, Troy Bike Rescue, The city of Troy, The Capital District Transit Authority and Capital Roots, this crosswalk was designed and installed By Jillian Hirsch and the community In September, 2015.
In collaboration with Transition Troy, Troy Alley Action, Troy Bike Rescue, The city of Troy, and The Sanctuary for Independent Media, this crosswalk was designed and installed By Jillian Hirsch and the community In September, 2015. This crosswalk is intended to be a visual info-graph depicting both the actually size of Sturgeon found in Hudson River (up to 14ft recorded in the 1700's) and their population decline and rise over the last 400 years (1700 to projected 2100)
In collaboration with The Sanctuary for Independent Media and the Summer Youth Employment Program of Rensselaer County, these series of images show activities from "Uptown Summer", a program that engages urban youth in the community through art, activism and education.